1·While the simple presence of these chemicals does not necessarily indicate a health risk, the fact that typical Americans carry these chemicals at all shocked June and his fellow participants.
2·And while the simple presence of these chemicals does not necessarily indicate a health risk, the fact that typical Americans carry these chemicals at all shocked June and his fellow participants.
3·Archaeologists know that mounds such as these are the kinds of geological features that indicate the presence of ancient settlements.
4·But trace imprints found in other fossilised feathers (despite an absence of carbon) may indicate the original presence of melanosomes that have since been lost to oxidation.
5·Initial tests indicate the presence of fatty, baconlike meat of a kind of wild goat called an alpine ibex.
6·And because different bacterial species are sensitive to different pollutants, different coloured glows can indicate the presence of specific chemicals.
7·You don't need to actually include the children; the presence of a children property will indicate to the Tree that the node is expandable and an expansion icon will be included.
8·First, the actual occurrence of a specific value may indicate whether there are issues such as incomplete data by the presence of a Null value, a Space, and so on.
9·A user can submit PUBLISH requests of his presence information to indicate the current status.
10·The prosecution. The dreams in which we are pursued by a terrifying presence usually indicate that there are aspects of ourselves that we should integrate or express properly.